10 класс - Мельничук Мария

В данной работе автор говорит о проблемах, связанных с фотографией, которая является одним из видов современного искусства. В результате проведенного исследования автор приходит к выводу, что, несмотря на ряд недостатков, фотография привлекательна и интересна для многих людей.

In this project work I’d like to speak about a number of problems, linked with photography. Are modern photos too accessible or too expensive?

To begin with, one of the big problems of modern photography is that cameras are very cheap and everyone can afford them. The digital photography has been highly developed in the 21st century- that is why anyone can feel as if they were professional photographers and start to shoot everything that they can see.

There are some advantages and disadvantages of the modern way of taking photos. High speed of digital photography is one of the advantages. Nowadays information and speed are the most important things. People can publish their photos in the Internet where they can be seen by many other people, including their friends or relatives. Besides, sometimes people might photograph something important which, for example, may help the police to investigate a crime.

One great disadvantage of photography is that there are plenty of photographs in the world which makes photography just an entertainment. However, sometimes these non-professional snapshots are disgusting and of bad quality. Due to the easiness and availability of digital photography, good professional photographers lose their job. In fact, professional cameras are always heavy and too big to carry that is one of the reasons why I prefer digital photos. Another big problem of this kind is your dependence on electricity and the Internet. You need to check free Wi-Fi access before visiting any peace.

I think that digital photography is an essential part of technological progress. Being a part of our life, photography should progress with it. As for me, photography is a good way to share all important parts of my life with my friends. Photography helps me to hold a connection with them during the day.

To sum up, I would like to say, that nowadays we should use technological achievements of modern civilization. I prefer to use them both in my ordinary in life and in photography. Though there are a lot of problems in modern photography, such as high accessibility and heavy equipment, thousands of people enjoy using it for fun or professionally. It remains creative, fascinating and attractive for amateurs.

10 класс - Кречетова Анастасия

В данной работе автор выясняет, как часто происходят травмы в различных видах спорта. Автор называет наиболее травматичные виды спорта, дает описание различных травм, а также отвечает на вопрос, можно ли избежать травм в спорте.

In this project work I am going to study the injury rate in sports with some examples of the sports where injuries occur most often. Besides, I would like to find the answer to the question whether injuries in sports are inevitable. To begin with, according to the severity of injuries, they may be divided into heavy, moderate and light. About 95% of sports injuries are minor soft tissue traumas. Let me give some examples.

Firstly, the most common sports injury is a bruise (contusion). It is caused when blood collects at the site of an injury and discolors the skin. Secondly, sprains account for one-third of all sports injuries. A sprain is a partial or complete tear of a ligament, a strong band of tissue that connects bones to one another and stabilizes joints. Thirdly, a strain is a partial or complete tear of:
muscle (tissue composed of cells that enable the body to move)
tendon (strong connective tissue that links muscles to bones)

Next, inflammation of a tendon (tendinitis) and inflammation of one of the fluid-filled sacs that allow tendons to move easily over bones (bursitis) usually result from minor stresses that repeatedly aggravate the same part of the body. These conditions often occur at the same time.

Here are some facts about skeletal injuries. Fractures account for 5-6% of all sports injuries. The bones of the arms and legs are most apt to be broken. Sports activities rarely involve fractures of the spine or skull. The bones of the legs and feet are most susceptible to stress fractures, which occur when muscle strains or contractions make bones bend. Stress fractures are especially common in ballet dancers, long-distance runners, and in people whose bones are thin.

As for shin splints, they are characterized by soreness and slight swelling of the front, inside, and back of the lower leg, and by sharp pain that develops while exercising and gradually intensifies. Shin splints are caused by overuse or by stress fractures that result from the repeated foot pounding associated with activities such as aerobics, long-distance running, basketball, and volleyball.

Speaking about a compartment syndrome, it is a potentially debilitating condition in which the muscles of the lower leg grow too large to be contained within membranes that enclose them. This condition is characterized by numbness and tingling. Untreated compartment syndrome can result in long-term loss of function.

One should not forget about brain injuries which are the primary cause of fatal sports-related injuries. Concussion, which is also called mild traumatic brain injury or MTBI, can result from even minor blows to the head.

Among the types of sports where injuries are most common there are: hockey, football, boxing, sports, wrestling and speed skating. Damage to the muscles and tendons is often observed when doing a barbell, athletics and gymnastics.

As for me, I am fond of sports. I like both doing sports and watching them on TV. I have been playing basketball for 3 years already. I often watch basketball games and tennis tournaments on TV.

To sum up, I think that injuries in sports are not possible to avoid. They will always remain in sports. However, thousands of people all over the world go in for sports either professionally or just for fun because they find it interesting and healthy.